Go Live No Matter What


I'd like you to do yourself a favor today. If you want to weep, go on and weep. Keeping it all in won't help you let go of the pain, of the rage and of the sadness that has built a home inside you. You have to simply let it all out before those feelings nestled and suffocate your whole being and turn you into someone you are not.

Keep going. Choose to live even on the nights when sadness starts creeping in like a thief tiptoeing to get to you. Do not give in even when sadness begins swallowing every single happy thoughts you have kept inside your pocket. Life is a bittersweet combination of a happy and sad thoughts. And I hope you won't let it leave you completely empty handed with happiness.

Breathe. Feel the air fill your lungs. Go live no matter what.

 Katherine A. Solomon

#PursueYourPassion #Live #KeepGoing